
Does Microblading Hurt?

  • Tuesday, 17 May 2022
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If you have thin or light coloured Eyebrows or a medical condition that causes eyebrow hair loss, like alopecia, microblading may be the perfect solution for you.  Microblading is a semi-permanent cosmetic tattoo that fills in the brows to give them a fuller appearance. The procedure involves using a small blade to apply hairstroke lines of semi-permanent pigment under the skin.  Microblading is essentially having hundreds of tiny cuts made on your brows blending in with the hairs.  Just like a tattoo, these little cuts break the skin, which is then filled in with a pigment.  Microblading produces a natural looking brow and results can last for up to 2 years, and colour boosts are recommended annually or when you feel the colour has faded.

The Microblading procedure can take around 2 hours, most people only feeling minor pressure or discomfort and much less pain than a typical body tattoo. However this will depend on your own personal tolerance to pain. Pain is unique to each indidvidual.  Some level of pain or discomfort should be expected.  If you’re considering microblading, be sure to properly research the microblading technician.  Ask to see examples of their work, discuss your concerns about pain.

Most practitioners will use an anesthetic to numb the area during treatment.  Rather than actually feeling the pain from the cutting of the blade, you’ll most likely only feel pressure from the microblading tool on your brows or you might feel a scratching sensation.

During the process, you may also hear scratching sounds.   The scratching sound is the pins (that make up the microblade) hitting each other not your skin as most people tend to believe. 

While some minor discomfort and skin irritation should be expected, you may be able to lessen the tenderness and irritation experienced during microblading by following these steps before your appointment:

·Avoid caffeine or alcohol on the day of the procedure.

·Avoid tanning or sunbathing for a few days before the procedure.

·Don’t pluck or wax your eyebrows for a few days before the procedure.

·Avoid chemical peels, laser treatments, and other facial treatments for a few weeks before the procedure.

·Stop using vitamin A (retinol) for a month beforehand.


Pain Following Microblading Treatment

It’s common for the area to feel slightly bruised or tender for about a day or 2 following a microblading procedure. Your skin shouldn’t appear bruised, but it may be a little red and possibly a little swollen. As the wounds heal, you may feel as if you have a sunburn for a few days.

It takes about 10 to 14 days to fully heal as the pigment settles. During this time, your skin will be sensitive.

To help prevent complications and to assist with the healing process and avoid infections, follow the aftercare instructions provided by your microblading technician. These may include the following:

·Apply The treatment ointment to your eyebrows twice a day for several days.

·Keep the area clean and dry.

·Avoid touching, rubbing, picking, scratching or wetting the brow area for a week to 10 days.

·Avoid using any harsh skin care products.

·Don’t apply makeup to the area for a week.

·Try to avoid sweating for several days

·Stay out of direct sunlight, including tanning beds for several days.


A numbing cream is typically used during a microblading procedure. Some people will still feel pain during the procedure, and soreness or irritation is expected in the days following.  By properly researching the microblading technician and following all pre- and post-care instructions, you can ensure a relatively painless and safe appointment.

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