

  • Monday, 11 April 2022
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Those under 18 years old.

Those who are pregnant or nursing.

Those who are under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs during the appointment.

Medical Conditions

Those with epilepsy, hemophilia, viral infections and/or diseases.

Those with allergies to alcohol or numbing agents like lidocaine.

Those who have skin conditions on or near eyebrows. This includes rashes, psoriasis, eczema, melasma, rosacea, shingles, varicella, open cuts, wounds, sores, scar tissue, etc.

Those who have healing disorders, pacemaker, mitral valve disorder, other major heart conditions, uncontrolled blood pressure, etc. Any medical condition that affects your skin, prevents your blood from clotting or affects how your body heals will lead to unpredictable healed results (ex: blurry hair-strokes, migration of the color, extreme fading, etc).

Those with dark skin tones are more prone to Post Inflammatory Hyper-pigmentation or Keloids. With Post Inflammatory Hyper-pigmentation the microbladed skin may produce melanin and become darker in color (grey, blue, brown or black) and the pigment may heal patchy or may be hidden by the melanin completely and not be visible at all.

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