Permanent makeup

Should you get your eyebrows done

  • Tuesday, 07 March 2023
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You've been contemplating it for a bit now. Everytime you draw your eyebrows in you stand back and look in the mirror and can't tell if they're even. They say eyebrows are meant to be sisters but yours are looking more like cousins...distant cousins. Your eyebrows need help and permanent makeup can help. Now without convincing you anymore why you would want permanent makeup, lets focus on the factors that may prevent you from getting these services done. 

Knowing the contraindications can save you time, money and any other unneeded stress. Let's get the first one of the way as its asked the most, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding it will always be a hard no. No questions asked. If you are wondering why, that is because there hasn't been enough research with these services and products used (anesthetics, pigments, etc) to show effects on the fetus/baby.

Conditions that you should consult your physician and have written approval for are the following: Epilepsy, Heart Disease or Conditions, Blood Disorders and any Auto-Immune Deficiencies. If you have Diabetes unfortunately you may not be a candidate as the condition affects the immune system and causes poor healing and if you have high blood sugar during treatment that may have severe negative impacts on your health.

 If you have any skin disorders in or around the area about to be tattooed, you must disclose this prior. Your permanent makeup artist cannot tattoo over active skin lesions/acne, psoriasis, eczema and sun burns. If you are prone to cold sores or fever blisters you must take ant-viral medication to prevent breakouts. Not taking any medication can result in a major breakout, pigment loss and scarring. Using Accutane or Retin-A can thin the skin making tattooing a challenge so we recommend to not use Accutane for 6 months and consult your physician/dermatologist. Retin-A or Retinol type products should be stopped at least one week prior. You will also run into scarring problems if you have Keloid or Hypertrophic Scarring.


Medication plays a big part in your healing process. Please disclose all medications that you are currently taking or have recently stopped taking, including antibiotics. Taking anticoagulants (blood thinners) reduces clotting time resulting in increased bleeding and bruising which will affect the implantation of the pigment as well as increase healing time.

Glaucoma must be consulted with your physician carefully. Having an eyeliner tattoo procedure done can cause serious damage. Same goes for any eye surgeries. We recommend waiting at least 6 months after any surgery around the face before having any procedure done. Using lash serums is really popular but it makes the eyelid area very vascular and unsuitable for tattooing unless you have stopped using the product for at least one month.

These days it is really common to have cosmetic injectables such as Botox and dermal fillers. Botox can really change the look of your brows so we ask that you wait 4 weeks either before or after your tattoo service. For lip tattoos it is ideal that you have dermal fillers after your lip tattoo has healed. Having the procedure before can affect the retention in colour.

Its a scary list but it is very important! This list will always be changing as there is always new discoveries in the tattoo and medical industries. If you have any doubts or questions please please please consult your physician. 

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